The recipe is not mine. It's from a bag of Gold Medal Flour, so if you don't care for it...that's o.k. It certainly has what it takes to make it a keeper...
A delicious bread. Try not to eat the whole loaf at one sitting! Adapted from Cook Now Serve Later cookbook. New England, Scandinavian, Mid Atlantic, South,...
This is a great savory muffin recipe that I modified from These are a flavorful alternative to a dinner roll and would be great...
Low sugar bran and flax muffins - recipe taken from the back of Bob's Red Mill Flaxseed meal. I have reduced the sugar to 1/2 cup honey and used skim milk...
A simple and different dish. A great side dish for Thanksgiving as it's a combination of bread and a corn side dish. It does cut into portions but is moist...
I found a similar recipe on #9350 and wanted to change it up a bit to make it healthier. The results were fantastic! Moist and full of flavor....
This is an excellent cake/bread recipe with very little fat. Notice there is no butter or oil, just bananas. I cut down to 2 larger bananas but it was...
A yummy treat to serve at brunch, or after dinner as a sweet treat. Cherries, pecans, and chocolate is a plenty in this wonderful bread. Throw out the...
Another great recipe from Betty Crocker! These lil muffins are packed with the chili releno flavor, and are bite size, perfect for morning breakfast or...
Recipe came from a Quick Cooking Magazine in 2002. I just got around to trying it today! I used it instead of the usual recipe for 'shortcakes' Wow it...
This is another variation of raspberry sour cream muffins. This one is seedless if you use seedless jam, and better for those of us who don't tolerate...
From CL October 2009. These were great to freeze and then microwave (about a minute) for breakfast. I was bringing them to work for breakfast and the office...
Ah, back in the days when I was a new mother, I had to come up with creative ways to use all the extra baby food I had lying around that my young daughter...
We serve these muffins at our coffee house and they're always a big hit with the customers. People ask for the recipe often and comment on how moist and...
Made with four different grains, these muffins have a heartiness to them that makes them perfect for breakfast on those days when you need something to...
These are my mom's bran muffins. She always stores them in an ice cream pail with a lid on in the fridge. You can make as many or as little as you want...
Perfect for lazy, weekend breakfasts. Sackville Girl made a sub and used raspberries and, well, you can see the great results in the picture! I must have...
Another way to use your Amish Friendship Bread Starter. If you don't have starter, use Recipe #153 to start the process. You can add a simple glaze of...
This is a recipe from an old Company's Coming recipe book of my mom's. It is so simple, uses up bruised apples, and tastes great. *Note* It is not a typo,...
From Metropolitan Cookbook 1964...I love old cookbooks! I love the combination of peanut butter and bananas in this quick bread. (Edited to adjust the...
This is a great recipe for muffins using fresh strawberries. It is a bit different from the other strawberry muffin recipes posted as it uses whole wheat...
An unusual cornbread with pancetta, sun-dried tomatoes, and rosemary baked right in. Can be made in a 10-inch cast iron skillet or a 9 inch round cake...
These muffins have an excellent taste and texture. They are wonderfully moist and soft inside. They are perfect for breakfast: a couple of them keeps me...
I found this recipe on the Weight Watchers Canada forum. It's a high fibre, chocolately muffin that tastes rich and not at all low-fat. For Weight Watchers,...
These are a wonderful alternative to wheat flour wraps or roti. Great with a curry, or instead of garlic bread with a salad or to have with soup. If using...
Gluten Free Banana Bread. Gluten Free Banana Cake. What's the difference? Here's what I came up with. Bake it in a loaf pan and it's a delicious, healthy...